

Straw Theatre 2024

Pedro Quintela · Conception and Design of the Straw Theatre

/ THE PROJECT, Straw Theatre 2024

The Straw Theatre is a giant, temporary, inhabitable sculpture built in the open air. It reflects the essence of a way of life where creative freedom and respect for nature are the artist's oxygen. Thanks to its peculiar and varied programme of artistic presentations, as well as its inhospitable location in an industrial zone, this third edition of the project was inspired by the highly dynamic and sensitive lowland environment of the estuary of a nearby beach, whose constant changes in response to the energies of the tidal currents create asymmetrical ripples of sand in the shape of leaves during the low tide. Nature inspires the natural!

The choice of straw, abundant in the area, as the only building material and whose bales are an integral part of the landscape at this time of year, is in keeping with all the architect's creations, which always respect the spirit of the place. Authentic "golden bricks", lent for a short time by the landscape, will become a temple of emotions that will remain in everyone's memory long after disappearing and the straw has taken its natural course. A tribute to the moment!

Pedro Quintela

/ THE ARCHITECT, Pedro Quintela

Pedro Quintela, an architect with an outspoken artistic soul, who admires the miracle of life, the moment and the ephemeral, develops his creative process based on a holistic concept. He firmly believes in the art he develops consciously, just like the unquestionable evolutionary and adaptive process that so wisely occurs in nature. Based on this premise, he harmoniously creates unique works perfectly harmoniously with ‘The Spirit of the Place’.